2013年10月24日 星期四

Only Fools and Horses 只有傻瓜和馬


老爺最愛而且是百看不厭的英國喜劇影集Only Fools and Horses.


In Taiwan I watch a fair amount of Taiwanese TV programs, which at first
was for the sole purpose of learning Chinese, but is now both for enjoyment
and study. I have also built up a collection of DVD’s from England for when
I feel the need to get in touch with my Englishness and to take a break from
the Chinese language.

One BBC series I have the complete collection of is a series called
“Only Fools and Horses” which was (still is) a hugely popular sitcom that
aired from 1981 to 2003. At times episodes of this attracted over
20 million viewers.

The central characters of this show are two brothers who are market traders
in London and the series follows their ups and downs through life. The shows
scripts –written by John Sullivan – in my opinion are pure genius. It is packed
with humor that connects to the times in which it was originally written and
has a stellar supporting cast of lovable characters.

This show never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times I
 watch it. British humor may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for me this
show is a timeless classic.

